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   Voice Copier

With this utility you can copy a voice to a selectable (1-4) part of a Performance or a selectable (1-16) part of a Song Mix, preserving ALL the voice settings, making the voice sound in Performance or Mix Mode EXACTLY as it sounded in Voice mode. Even preserves arpeggios!!!
Supports Motif Classic/S90/Motif Rack/Motif ES!
Note: This program has been discontinued. Its functionality has been embedded to the Performance and Mix Editors of ES and XS series but is still free as it works even with the demo version of the products.


   W2B to ANS converter

This utility solves the problem of the Yamaha PLG150-AN board not being able to send its voice data to the computer. (PLG boards are passive boards and cannot transmit bulk dumps to the host). The Motif synthesizers can save their PLG150-AN voice data as a 'plugin bulk' file (W2B file). This utility converts such a file to an 'AN Expert Editor file' (ANS file) to be loaded and tweaked later at ease using the AN Expert Editor software!


   MX Tools German Manuals

This is a collection of all MX Tools Manuals translated in German. To make them accessible from the applications unzip the archive to the folder you installed MX Tools Complete Pack, overwriting the existing manuals!
A great contribution by Manfred Drasch for the German MX users!


   XF Tools Italian Manuals

This is a collection of all XF Tools Manuals translated in Italian. To make them accessible from the applications unzip the archive to the folder you installed XF Tools Complete Pack, overwriting the existing manuals!
A great contribution by Michele Tornatore for the Italian XF series users!


   ES Tools Italian Manuals

This is a collection of all ES Tools Manuals translated in Italian. To make them accessible from the applications unzip the archive to the folder you installed ES Tools Complete Pack, overwriting the existing manuals!
A great contribution by Michele Tornatore for the Italian ES series users!
