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 YC Librarian

for YC61, YC73, YC88


This is a complete Librarian solution for the Yamaha YC61/YC73/YC88 Stage Keyboards.

It's a Librarian for CP/73/CP88 User Sounds and can help you organize the instrument's User area in the most convenient way! It's also a complete editing environment, as it integrates with the CP/73/CP88 Editor!

Key features include:
  • Easy to navigate explorer-like user interface.
  • Supports Live Set Libraries which handle User Sounds exactly as they are stored on the instrument.
  • Supports Sound Libraries which handle unlimited number of User Sounds.
  • Allows multiple Library files of any kind to be opened simultaneously.
  • Exports Instrument Definition files for Cubase, Cakewalk and Digital Performer.
  • Supports name editing and comments editing for every Sound.
  • Allows searching of Sounds by name.
  • Allows sorting of Sounds by name and comment.
  • Supports multiple Sound copy and paste functions within the same Library or between different libraries.
  • Supports easy reordering of Sounds via drag and drop!
  • Supports Controller Settings editing fo multiple Sounds at once!
  • Can edit Sounds by launching YC Editor integrating it to a unified environment!


The application is included in the CP Tools